Article 51 – The President

1. The President is the Head of State and Catalonia’s highest authority.

2. He/She is elected by the universal, free, secret and direct suffrage of citizens with voting rights.

3. The presidential tenure is limited to two five-year terms.

Article 50 – Emergency Legislation

1. Parliament may delegate the power to issue legislation ranking with law to the Government on imperative grounds of urgency.

2. Parliament must expressly validate decree- laws within a maximum period of 60 days from their promulgation.

Article 49 – Legislative initiative

1. Legislative initiative lies with the MPs, the government and the citizens by means of a popular legislative initiative.

2. Parliament may delegate the processing and approval of a bill to the legislative standing committees except for Constitutional reform laws.

Article 47 – Parliamentary Transparency

1. Parliament may create investigation committees on any matter of public importance, especially to clarify possible political responsibilities in matters of alleged corruption.

2. MPs remain obliged to make their assets public before taking seat in Parliament. This information will be updated at the end of the legislature or in case an MP is leaving office in advance.

Article 46 – Adoption System of Parliamentary Agreements

1. Parliamentary resolutions can only be adopted when the absolute majority of MPs present in the session.

2. In order to be approved, agreements require the positive vote of a simple majority of the MPs present in the session.

3. Approving rules that affect fundamental rights, will require a qualified majority, previously established by law.

Article 45 – International treaties

1.Catalonia maintains friendly relations with all democratic and social states subject to the rule of law. Parliament will therefore sign the necessary international conventions, treaties and bilateral agreements.

2. Once ratified and published in the State’s Official Gazette, they will become part of the domestic legal order.

3. All treaties signed by Spain will remain in force unless a qualified majority of 3/5 of the Parliament decides against it.

4. Catalonia assumes all rights and duties stemming from the above mentioned treaties and agreements.

Article 43 – Parliamentary Bodies

1. The President of Parliament and the Parliament Bureau are elected in plenary.

2. Parliamentarian functions, the election process and the Commissions’ functions shall be regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the Parliamentary Chamber.

3. The Rules of Procedure also regulate MPsindividual and collective rights and duties, forms of intervention in the exercise of their functions, political parties spokespersons’ powers, and those disciplinary sanctions they may incurre in.

Article 44 – Openness and transparency

1. Parliament regular sessions are held at least once a month, and all MPs are required to attend, except for force majeure.

2. Plenary sessions are public, except in cases established by law.

3. The Standing Committee will ensure the continuity of Parliament’s powers in the periods between sessions and when the electoral mandate has ended, until the constitution of the new chamber.

Article 42 – MPs’ rights and duties

1. MPs are independent and are only answerable to the electors of their constituency.

2. Every MP enjoys full freedom when casting his/her vote, and is therefore not obliged to follow any party discipline.

3. Criminal prosecution of MPs will be dealt by a natural judge laid down by law, prior authorization by the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of the republic, the sole body competent to lift parliamentary immunity in case of crime.