Article 21 – Right to the Environment

1. Everyone has the right to live in a sustainable environment and in a society where natural resources are respected.

2. Aware of the fact that we are citizens of one world alone, public authorities should ensure the preservation of the biosphere, the conservation of ecological systems, and the regeneration of water, air, soil, fauna and flora in Catalonia.

3. Combating pollution will be a priority at all levels of economic development and public actions in the territory towards leaving a clean and healthy planet to future generations.

4. The right to own and make use of natural resources implies the duty to prevent environmental damage, and if necessary, to repair the damage.

Article 18 – Freedom of association and the right to strike

1. Workers and employers have the right to create organizations to defend their respective legitimate interests.

2. Everyone shall freely decide whether or not to belong to a union and take part in the union’s activities.

3. Conflicts inherent in relations between companies and workers will be resolved through negotiation and, if appropriate, with mediation and arbitration.

4. The law shall regulate the exercise of the right to strike, without any limitation other than the peaceful exercise of this right.

Article 17 – Rights of association and assembly

1. The right to create associations and entities is free. The law shall regulate the registration procedures and requirements in the corresponding public records. The statutes must collect democratic and legitimate purposes.

2. Everyone has the right to peaceful assembly. This right may only be limited when exercised in public spaces and in order to guarantee adequate public safety.

Article 16 – Freedom of opinion and expression

1. Every person has the right to freely express and spread one’s opinions by word, writing or any other means.

2. Every person is entitled to obtain free and truthful information from public and private media. Freedom of the press is guaranteed and it is the duty of all public authorities to foster it through the press, radio, television or any other mass media.

3. The exercise of these rights cannot be restricted by any kind of prior censorship.

4. The right to professional secrecy of people who work in any media outlet is guaranteed to preserve the source of information without prejudice to any civil or criminal liability that may be incurred in case of defamation.

5. These rights may be restricted only for the legitimate protection of minors, the right to honour, image and privacy of individuals.

Article 13 – Freedom of Religion

1. Freedom of religion and worship is guaranteeed. Everyone has the right to freely choose one’s religion and philosophical convictions, and to practice them in a peaceful manner.

2. The State is declared non-denominational and consequently, no religion can be subsidized with public funds.

3. Using veils that conceal the face in public spaces, under the guise of religion, is not worthy of legal protection.

Article 14 – Personal freedom

1. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in the cases previously and explicitly laid down by law.

2. Any person who is deprived or restricted of this fundamental right must be informed immediately of the reasons, remain under police custody, be entitled to legal assistance and have the right to be conducted before a judge previously ascertained by law in a maximum of 24 hours.

3. Anyone who is accused of committming an offense, has the right to a trial within a reasonable period of time.


Article 12 – The nationality

1. The Catalan nationality is acquired in accordance with the provisions of the law, by birth, marriage, residence, adoption or a reciprocity agreement with another State.

2. All citizens of Catalonia who within a year after the enactment of this Constitution freely choose to do so, will enjoy dual citizenship, Catalan and Spanish, providing Spain recognizes their right to preserve the latter.

3. Catalans shall continue to be European citizens with all the rights and duties they enjoy at the time Catalonia becomes a republic.

Article 11 – Minors’ Rights

1. Minors, and particularly children, enjoy the special protection conferred by international and European treaties.

2. The State shall guarantee the full development of the child’s personality until adulthood.

3. The basic rights to education, training and physical culture and sports shall deserve special attention, and be given priority in the allocation of public expenditure.